We specialize in providing the commercial, television and feature film industry with new vehicles from all manufacturers.
Picture Car Procurement Specialist.

Call Lou at 818-383-9116 or Email: lou@galpin.com
Galpin Studio Rentals provides vehicles to Team Detroit on behalf of their clients, Ford and Lincoln, for a variety of marketing, PR, and branded entertainment initiatives. As a division of the #1 Ford dealer in the world, and the status which that carries, we are also able to network with non-Ford dealers to locate vehicles of all makes and models for your shoot.
Our inventory includes a wide array of collectible vehicles and over 3000 new and used vehicles from virtually every manufacturer. If we do not have the vehicle your shoot calls for we will source the vehicle, confirm its availability, send you pictures, and provide transportation. All vehicles are confirmed available the day the photos are sent to you.
Our services also include multi vehicle picture car rentals for street dressing and parking lots, for local and for distant locations.